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Great atmosphere, awesome nods to The Twilight Zone! Expertly crafted, bit-sized adventure! Keep them coming!

Thank you!!! :)

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I really loved this, can't wait to play the 2nd episode!

Thanks!!!! <3<3

We love it (we love all your games!!!).... we need more, and more, and more.... <3 TAKE IT AND PLAY IT! It's a very emotional short game, thx Octavi!  See you with episode 2!

I'm so glad you liked it! Thank you very much :)

estaba algo desilusionado con los videojuegos. midnight scenes me devolvio la esperanza

Muchas gracias!! Estate atento a las próximas novedades ;)

This game was SO GOOD! despite being so short i enjoyed it immensely and this series has so much future potential. good luck on your future games! i'm impressed! <3

Thank you for your kind words!!! :)

Hey, I just gave your game a play, and I have to say, I hope you keep this series going. I'm going to play the second episode soon :) 


Thanks! I hope you like the second one as well!! :)

Well made game

Thank you so much! <3

Deleted 3 years ago

Thanks!!! :)

This was a good game with a good story with a very unexpected twist. At first I had a problem with the fact that no person would ever do this but the ending added that extra bit that I needed to explain the story. I highly recommend this game.


I'm glad you liked it! <3

Listen here.... this game is AWESOME. I really like this kind of games and I hope there are more episodes. THANK YOU so much and Keep up the good work.

Thank you so much for playing it!!! :)

I really love this short game! I just found out that there is a 2nd episode . I will continue to play your games, such a good stories and love the art style! 

10/10 Keep it up~♥

Thank you!!! <3

Deleted 3 years ago


Loved this!!! Really hope you come out with more episodes! Atmosphere, gameplay, everything was great.

Thanks!! Stay tuned for more news.... ;)


I loved this game and I'll play the 2 episode

I am a brazilian and the gameplay is in portuguese

Thanks :)

This game was great! I loved the style, the Twilight Zone concept, and the puzzles weren't too difficult, but aren't spoonfed either, which makes it satisfying to discover the story. I had no idea there was a 2nd Episode, and a whole special edition on Steam before I recorded. I'll definitely check it out. Looking forward to more projects!

Please check out the video and my channel: VladMan. Thank you!

Thank you so much!!! There is indeed an episode 2 of Midnight Scenes :), Whose special edition will be released in early September :). Also, I'm going to launch The Librarian tomorrow. It's not part of the Midnight Scenes series but I think you'll like it :). Enjoy!

Played both Episodes of Midnight Scenes and I love them! I hope more get made! Here's my gameplay if you'd like to check it out!

Oh, thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed them!

You're welcome! They were awesome! I look forward to more games :)

this game is so cool! everything is so well made, the music and sound effects really added alot to this game and the eerie black and white filter- its perfect! i love this game, 10 out of 5 stars lol <3

I'm glad you liked it! Thank you so much! :)

Thanks so much for making this game Octavi, I really enjoy your games! Every single one that I have played leaves me wanting more and this one is no exception. I absolutely loved the twisty ending you did and made me wonder and imagine the possibilities about it. 

Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm glad you enjoyed them :)

Help, can I do something to this game work in Mac Os Catalina? I purchased the game but doesn't work and I don't have the money back, I just want to play it  :( 

I'm so sorry about this issue. Unfortunately, this game is incompatible with Catalina for the time being. Please, write us at support @ from the email you used to buy the game and we'll make a refund.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

(1 edit)

Not worries, thanks for you reply.  not is necessary the refund, I will find the way to run it.  but if its possible pleas try to do compatible with Big Sur in the future. 

(1 edit)

Oh man, this was horrifying. I love the Twilight Zone and I think you absolutely nailed that black and white retro feel to it. Although I think it lacks a meaningful twist like many of the episodes had, which was its biggest appeal for me. It's a twist that teaches you a lesson or is thought-provoking, but I didn't really find this to have either quality (i.e. there's an unexpected "twist", but it's not really thought-provoking or teaches a lesson). Nonetheless I enjoyed this, and I'm looking forward to others. Love the font and prologue stuff.

Doesn't work on MacOS Catalina, needs to be updated from 32 to 64 bits app I think.

This will always be one of my favorite games! I really like the music and the atmosphere of this game in general. Looking forward to more episodes ?? lol

Thank you so much! :)

These type's of games are the one which I love. It had weirdest but most amazing ending. This one is better than EP2 cuz this one is short. I 💙 your games.

I played this in my video (starts at 17:27)

I enjoyed this short but interesting point and click horror game! If you're a fan of shows like The Twilight Zone, this is definitely the game for you.  


  • Pixel art - The monotone color scheme used fits well with the game's atmosphere, as well as selling the creepy environment. It's pleasant to look at and cleanly drawn. Additionally, I admire that the artist was able to use black and white colors well. It can be a bit challenging to balance between high and low contrast, but I think the artist does this very well and in a way that makes clear and visually appealing graphics.
  • Aesthetic - From the sound of the tv turning on in the very beginning, to the style of narration, this games sells the aesthetic of old 60s horror and mystery shows very well.
  • Storytelling - While this game is mostly without text, it still manages to get a story across through the use of pictures and scene composition. Subtle environment details do a great job of communicating the story, allowing the player to piece together what happened without ever saying a word.
  • Gameplay - This is a game that's accessible to those new and familiar with the point and click genre. The puzzles aren't too hard to solve, but still feel satisfying to figure out. Additionally, I think the game does a really good job of nudging the player in the right direction. Claire's reactions to the player's actions help communicate what they should do next. This is a place where I see a lot of point and clicks fall short - some people get turned away from the genre because of little guidance from the game or the trope of " try each object with everything you can interact with." This game doesn't suffer from this at all.


  • Length - While I think that the game does a good job of storytelling, I feel like having a bit more to the game would support the story and the creepy atmosphere. The puzzles that are there are fun, but I wish there were some more to do.
  • Story - While the storytelling itself is really good and well-polished, the story felt a little lack luster to me. I think the game does a good job of establishing the relationships of those relating to the story, but the ending seemed a little abrupt and didn't have enough build up to make it impactful (this is just my opinion). I think a bit more time into the story and some development of the story in between the beginning and the end would sell the reveal more.
  • Controls - This is moreso of a nitpick than anything else, but I do wish that the character could continuously move across the screen (maybe by holding down the mouse button?) rather than having to keep clicking to move Claire from one end of a scene to another. Since the clicking makes her movements a little broken up, I feel like this would help with the pacing a bit. Again, this is just a nitpick and it doesn't take away from the game at all, I just thought I'd write it down.


I'd recommend checking this game out! It's a short, fun, and creepy experience that I think many will enjoy. If you're into this game, why not check out more of the developers games or support them on patreon? I think it's well worth it.

hey why was i not scared?

It wasn't that bad actually. I loved the graphics and the film grain fits perfectly in this game. 
The story was pretty okay for such a short game. The sounds/soundtrack is cool aswell!
Thank you for this experience. There is not really much to say :p
7/10! :D

I really enjoyed this game, it was short but delivered an interesting and creepy experience. I also love how this has an old fashioned horror show/movie feel to it. The puzzles were not too easy yet not too hard, which made this game fun to play. If there's a third episode of Midnight Scenes in the works then I can't wait to play it! I made a gameplay video of the first episode of Midnight Scenes if anyone is interested in watching it. Thank you for your time and have a nice day! :3

Ey love this game, check my gameplay in Spanish pls

solved the puzzles finally got the upload right. great game. Librarian led me here. 

this looks really good

This was so cool! In my anxious fright I kept my nerves by yelling at Claire. "No Claire, you can't just peel the key off his dead body!!"

oh my lord this was good 

Pixel horror always comes out on top for me 

Loved it!

Plain fact is i loved it. Although the scare was kind of underwhelming.

Really cool point and click!

Incredible job!!!

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