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Although I didn’t get to complete it after numerous attempts because of the girl (monster) mechanics, I still enjoyed this game! It was nice to see your artwork and game style turned into a 3D environment.

Thank you so much! :) The ghost can be a bit tricky but I'm glad you enjoyed the experience! <3

great short creepy game

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed it! :)

I loved this game! :D It was so cool to see your style be used in a 3D environment, and the gameplay elements were cool! I didnt see the end but I had a good time playing it!

Thank you for your kind words and for sharing your video! Glad you enjoyed it! :)

What an absolutely gorgeous game! I was blown away by the sheer quality of the art style, it honestly felt like I stumbled across a hidden gem!

Thank you so much for your kind words! I'm very glad you liked it! <3


Dude this game is a masterpiece. I cried at the end. They really made a horror tearjerker game. This and Baby in Yellow are my nominations for indie horror game of the year. I loved it so much, and the music!


Thank you so much. Glad you liked it! :)

Could you please bring it on Mac? It would be an instant buy for me, but until then I can't play it (

this is cool

Thank you! :)

Very cool! What engine did you use to make this?

Thanks! Unity :)

Gotta say all around I really did love this game through & through due to how scary it really was as well as STRESSFUL!! 

I'm glad it scared you! ;)

Such an interesting game. The story elements were added in beautifully, the suspense was just right, you took ten years off my life with the scares. I beat it on easy mode which I think is very well balanced for casual gamers. Loved it!

I usually avoid hide & find-games like this but this was so fun, and imaginative and creepy. The way you can actually devise different strategies, base your experiences on previous runs and combine strengths of the characters was so well done. I am not a completionist, so I didn’t go for all 13 cards but boy did I enjoy this.

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed it! <3

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I BEAT IT ON NORMAL MODE! Finally !! Haha. Amazing Game. It took me so long to realize the code was in the same place every time. 

Yay! Well done! Glad you enjoyed it! :)

This game is fun but hard as helllllllll. Love it tho 


Hi!!  Just added an Easy Mode, for those of you who are struggling too much with the game ;)

Please!!! For Mac, IOS or Browser!!! Looks amazing!

Deleted 1 year ago

You can do it!💪(we're working on an easy mode for our next update)

Deleted 1 year ago



Loving it, get your headphones on and the lights off! Delve into Uninvited!

Glad you're enjoying it! :)

Amazing Game. Been waiting for this one

Thank you! :)